PVC Bird Feeder Plans (DIY Squirrel Resistant Birdfeeder)
Below are free DIY plastic (PVC) hanging bird feeder plans that can be used to attract smaller birds like bluebirds, chickadees, goldfinches, nuthatches, titmice, and juncos to your backyard or garden. This squirrel resistant bird feeder is made using primarily PVC pipe. Find more ideas on bird feeders plans and DIY bird feeders.
Materials Needed to Build DIY PVC Bird Feeder.
- PVC Pipe: Length 12in (30cm) or more | Diameter 4in (10cm).
- Female adapter.
- Cap.
- PVC Pipe: Length 5.25″ (13cm) | Diameter: 3/4″ (2cm).
- Cleanout Plug.
- Threaded rod: Length 7in (18m) | Diameter 0.25in (0.6cm).
- Wooden dowel for perch (2): Length 1.5″ (4cm) | Diameter: 0.5″ (1.3cm).
- Eye bolt: Length 1.5″ (4cm) | Diameter: 1/4″ (0.6cm).
Best used for: Chickadees, Goldfinches, Nuthatches, Titmice, Juncos.
This lightweight, attractive tube bird feeder has two feeding ports and perches (but more can be added). Because of the small feeding ports (and short perches) it is designed to accommodate smaller birds such as finches, but exclude larger birds such as starlings, grackles, and blue jays. The covered feeding ports will help keep rain water out. This makes the seed more likely to stay dry. The vinyl PVC will not rot, split, or crack. This squirrel proof bird feeder will last for years and years.
DIY Video Tutorial – PVC Bird Feeder.
For an instructional video tutorial on building this PVC bird feeder see around 10:10 minutes into the following video.
Step 1. Cut PVC pipe using the bird feeder plans below.
Cut the 4in (10cm) diameter PVC pipe at least 12″ (30cm) in length. The red bird feeder shown in the picture above is 18″ (46cm) in length. PVC pipe can easily be cut with either a hand saw or a miter saw.

Step 2. Drill holes for feeder tubes and perches.
For these plans, I used 3/4″ (13cm) PVC pipe for the feeder tubes. (You can attract larger birds by using a bigger feeder tube.) Note: 3/4″ (13cm) pipe has an outside diameter of 1.06″ (2.7cm). A 1-1/16″ Forsnter drill bit will create a very snug hole for the feeder tube.

Step 3. Prepare the bird feeder tube.
For the feeder tube, cut a piece of 3/4″ (13cm) pipe 5.25″ (13cm) in length. Securely fasten this pipe in a vise. Next using a jig saw, a handsaw, a Dremel attachment, or some other tool – keep removing portions of the pipe to create a form similar to either design shown below.

Step 4: Use PVC Cement to join parts together.
Use PVC cement (e.g., Gorilla, Oatey, Weld-On) to bond the female adapter to the bottom of the bird feeder. Keep in mind, this glue dries really quickly! Once the two pieces have been fitted together, you have just a few seconds to position the pipe. While mentally hard to do, I would recommend drilling a couple small holes in your new cleanout plug in case wind blows rain water into your bird feeder. Finally, glue the feeder tube to the main body of your bird feeder.
Step 5: Install Bird Perches.
To create the bird perches, insert the threaded rod through the holes below the feeder tube.
Fasten with nuts on both ends. I then take a short piece of wooden dowel and drill a hole part way through the dowel. Next, I glue the dowel onto the bolt using Gorilla Glue.
Step 6: Optionally paint PVC pipe.
Keep in mind birds are quite happy to eat from a brightly colored bird feeder. However, try not to paint the inside of the feeder tube as birds may peck at it and eat chips of paint.
Step 7. Hang or mount your bird feeder.
Mount your bird feeder and see which bird will come dine at your home. Your new bird feeder should provide you excitement for many seasons to come.

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