Free Online Photo to Painting (Convert Pictures to Oil Paintings)
Step #4: Online Photo to Painting - Guide and FAQ.
If you experience any problems with this online photo to painting converter please send a brief message to In your message, indicate what is not working so we can fix it. Similarly, if you have ideas on how to improve this software, please let us know.
How do I use the interface? To use this online photo to painting converter, first press the "Browse" button and select an image. Next select the desired "Quality" - either "Low", "Medium", or "High". The quality must be specified before the "Upload" button is pressed, since these radio buttons determine the quality of the image that is uploaded. Next press the "Upload" button to load your image. Now adjust the "Brush size", "Brightness", and "Contrast" by dragging the range sliders left or right. The "Brush size" allows you to simulate an oil painting. Each pixel is replaced by the most frequent color in a circular neighborhood. As the slider is moved to the left, a smaller brush size is used (in effect providing more detail). As the slider is moved to the right, a larger brush size is used (in effect providing less detail). Finally, when satisfied with your digital painting, press the "Save" button to save your new artwork or painting. Your oil painting is now ready to be printed on canvas!
What type of images can be used? GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) image formats can be used. Currently the maximum image size is set to 14 MB.
What happens to the uploaded images? The images that are uploaded and created are stored in a temporary location. A cleanup operation deletes all files approximately every 10 minutes.
Step #5: Uses for Online Photo to Painting (Picture to Painting).
Use this free picture to painting converter to convert photos into digital oil paintings. Use this simple and quick online software to edit and create an oil painting effect without using Adobe Photoshop. Create personalized, custom paintings for your home, for clothes and fabrics, for craft shows, for selling projects online, etc. These paintings are great for hobbies, holiday crafts, iron-on t-shirts designs, kid crafts, preschool printables, scrapbooking, sign making, wall art, wedding crafts, amazing gifts, and other DIY arts and crafts.
You can transfer these printable paintings to cardboard, cardstock, canvas, construction paper, fabric, felt, foam, leather, notebook paper, paper, parchment paper, photo paper, poster board, vinyl, wax paper, wrapping paper, wood, and many other types of materials. For more ideas see custom designs.