Online Image Resizer (Resize Your Photos)

Resize your images online without losing any quality. Simple and free!

Step 1: Upload Image.

The uploaded photo to be resized.

Step 2: Specify Size.

Percentage (%): 100
Width: Height:
Preserve aspect ratio: Yes No

Step 3: Download Your Resized Image.


Step #4: Online Image Resizer - Guide and FAQ.

If you experience any problems with this online image resizer please send a brief message to In your message indicate what is not working so we can fix it. Similarly, if you have ideas on how to improve this software, please let us know.

How do I use the interface? To use this online photo resizer, first press the "Browse" button and then select an image. Next press the "Upload" button to load your image. Next specify the size of your desired image using either the "Percentage" slider or entering in new values for "Width" and "Height". Finally, when satisfied with your resized dimensions, press the "Save JPG Format" or the "Save PNG Format" to save your resized image.

What type of images can be used? GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG image formats can be used. Currently the maximum image size is set to 14 MB.

What happens to the uploaded images? The images that are both uploaded and the resized images are stored in a temporary location. A cleanup operation deletes all files approximately every 30 minutes.

Step #5: Uses for Online Resized Photo (Image Resizer).

Use this free online photo resizer to make your images smaller or larger. Use this simple and quick online software to resize images without the need for software like adobe photoshop. Use this application to resize images for social media, websites, email, etc. For more ideas see custom designs and photo to sketch and photo to painting.

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Resize image, image resizer, photo resizer, reduce image size, resize image online, reduce picture size,
resize jpg, change size of image, free image resizer, image shrinker, scale image, make picture small.