Free Word Cloud Generator (Make Your Own Word Bubble)
Create a unique and amazing word cloud, wordle, or word bubble in seconds.
8. What are Word Clouds
A word cloud
(also known as a wordle, a word bubble, a tag cloud, a word collage, or a text cloud)
is a visual representation of words. The more frequently a word appears in the textual data
(e.g., a speech or blog post) the larger and bigger it appears in the word cloud.
Find sample speeches and
words to copy and paste into the word cloud generator above.
Word clouds allow you to create a stunning
visualization of your data and
are also frequently incorporated into
classroom activities
to engage students.
Similar to charts, graphs, and infographics, a word cloud can help highlight important textual data.
Currently, you can specify
your word cloud in the following shapes:
circle, heart, regular cloud, lightbulb, rounded rectangle, square, Christmas tree, and the letters A-Z.
This generator allows you to reate unique and amazing word cloud and word
bubbles in seconds similar to these
word cloud examples.
Word clouds are great for
creating spectacular personalized gifts. Your word collage can be printed or downloaded in PNG,
JPG, PDF, or SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format.